UPPSC PCS 2020 Exam Preparation: Candidates who have applied for UPPSC PCS 2020 Recruitment and the aspirants who are going to apply for UPPSC PCS 2020 Notification can check the UPPSC PCS 2020 Exam Preparation strategies and the important topics to focus on.
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services (PCS) Examination Notification. It is been expected that a lot of candidates will be applying for the above UPPSC PCS Notification. For those applicants, we have provided the UPPSC PCS Exam Stategies and tips for how to prepare for the Examination. Even some applicants may have a doubt how to start or where to start. This article will surely helps you to win the UPPSC PCS exam
Tips for UPPSC PCS 2020 Exam Preparation
To ace the UPPSC PCS exam, candidates need to clear the Preliminary Exam, candidates who have cleared the Preliminary exam will be allowed to write the UPPSC PCS Mains Exam and finally candidates who clears the Mains will be called for Viva-voce. Candidate who need to get job in the UPPSC PCS Exam, need to excel the UPPSC Syllabus 2020 and UPPSC Exam Pattern
After knowing the topics in the Syllabus, take notes, where you are weak and in which topic, you have more knowledge
After finding the weak topics, pay more attention to it
Obviously, the subjects which you have more knowledge may get brushed up
Not only the syllabus, check the exam pattern also, and find which topic is given higher importance and do give high priority for those subjects.
UPPSC PCS Preliminary Examination
Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian National Movement
India and World geography – Physical, Social, Economic geography of India and the
Indian Polity and governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public
Policy, Rights Issues etc
Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty Inclusion,
Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
General Issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change- that do not require subject specialization.
General Science
UPPSC PCS Mains Examination
General Hindi
General Studies (First Paper)
General Studies (Second Paper)
General Studies (Third Paper)
General Studies (Fourth Paper)
Candidate can refer the detailed UPPSC PCS Syllabus and UPPSC PCS Exam Pattern in the UPPSC PCS Official Notification.
UPPSC PCS Exam Preparation Strategies
As the nation is under lock down, it is the best time prepare for the competitive exams
However, some people may consider this period very stressful, so you can focus on the syllabus
Focus more on prioritized topics. Don’t lose concentration
Don’t spend more time on social media. You can use social media for clarifying doubts in UPPSC PCS Exam and for exam discussion.
Make Timetable for all the subjects in the Syllabus and stick to it.
Complete the UPPSC PCS 2020 Syllabus as soon as possible. This will avoid the last-minute preparation tension.
Candidates can use the above UPPSC PCS Exam Tips and Strategies to ace the upcoming UPPSC PCS Examination for the Assistant Conservator of Forest (A.C.F) / Range Forest Officer (R.F.O)