UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result 2021: UPSC CSE Prelims Result 2021 Released!!! Direct link available here to check the Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Prelims Merit List PDF consisting of qualified candidates to the mains exam. So UPSC Aspirants shall check and download the result pdf here.
Govt Jobs Updates
Consequently every year the Union Public Service Commission has announced the notification for the engagement of Civil Services posts. Similarly this year too the commission has announced and conducted the recruitment drive to select the eligible candidates. The recruitment drive has been conducted throughout India to select the eligible candidates for a total of 712 vacancies. The selection process is based on Prelims, Mains & Interview. As per the schedule, the prelims exam was conducted from 27-06-2021 to 10-10-2021. A lot of candidates have applied and appeared for the prelims exam. The prelims are based on the online computer-based test. Candidates who have appeared for the prelims exam are eagerly waiting for the result.
For that now the officials have released the prelims result pdf on its official site. So aspirants shall visit the official site and check their respective results. Here we have given the direct link to check your result. Candidates are also informed that marks, cut-off marks, and answer keys of screening tests held through CS (P) Examination, 2021 will be uploaded on the Commission’s website. only after the entire process of the Civil Services Examination, 2021 is over i.e. after the declaration of the final result.
Download UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result 2021
How to check UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result 2021?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site.
- On the home page, there will be a link regarding the civil services prelims result.
- Click on that you will get the prelims result pdf.
- Kindly check your result.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.