UPSC CMS Result 2019: UPSC CMS DAF Final Result 2019 Released!!! Direct link available here to check the UPSC CMS Final Provisional List 2019. Union Public Service Commission has conducted the recruitment drive to invite the posts under CMS.
Consequently, every year they had announced and recruited a lot of candidates for various posts. Similarly, this time they had announced a total of 919 vacancies. A lot of candidates have applied and appeared for the recruitment drive. The selection process is based on the Computer Based Examination (Part – I) followed by Personality Test (Part – II). The Exam was conducted on 21st July 2019. Qualified candidates have appeared for the personality test held from October to December 2019. Candidates who have appeared for the personality test are eagerly waiting for their results. So for that now the officials have released the UPSC CMS Final Provisional List 2019. So candidates shall refer to the official site and start to check your UPSC CMS Final Merit List 2019.
Click Here to check UPSC CMS Final Result 2019
How to download UPSC CMS Final Provisional List 2019?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site
- You will get into the official site.
- On the home page, there will be a section regarding What’s New?
- Under that section find the exact link regarding the Final Result of Combined Medical Services Examination.
- Click on that you will get the official result PDF.
- Kindly check your result.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.