UPSC ESE Syllabus 2021: UPSC ESE Syllabus 2021 is available here!!! Check the complete updated UPSC ESE Exam Pattern & Syllabus for various engineering disciplines. UPSC Engineering aspirants shall go through this article fully and start the preparation process for the upcoming examination.
Union Public Service Commission has released the notification for the engagement of the candidates through the Engineering Services Examination. One of the most important recruitment notifications among the UPSC aspirants. The commission has announced a total of 215 vacancies for the various disciplines. The UPSC ESE 2021 Apply Online link is get activated from 07th April 2021. The Final date to submit the online application get ends on 27th April 2021. Engineering graduates who are having the passion to get a job in central government shall utilize this wonderful opportunity. Candidates have to submit the online application on or before the last date.
Candidates who have successfully completed the online application shall start to prepare for the upcoming examination. The competition is very huge for the UPSC Exams. Candidates have to compete in the competition in a successful manner. Then only they will get the job. To get success, candidates have to perform well in the examination. To perform well in the examination, candidates have to prepare well during the preparation process. For that candidates have to make their own preparation strategy or have to follow the expert’s preparation strategies. Referring to the UPSC ESE Syllabus 2021 is the initial stage of the preparation process and one of the important preparation strategies. So candidates have to refer to the updated UPSC ESE Syllabus 2021 & Exam Pattern and then start the preparation process.
UPSC ESE Selection Process:
Generally, the UPSC ESE Selection Process is based on
Stage – 1: Prelims
Stage – 2: Mains
Stage – 3: Personality Test
UPSC ESE Exam Pattern 2021: Prelims
Civil Engineering:
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category-I Civil Engineering | ||
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) | 2 hrs | 200 |
Paper-II (Civil Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 500 |
Mechanical Engineering:
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category-II Mechanical Engineering | ||
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) | 2 hrs | 200 |
Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 500 |
Electrical Engineering:
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category-III Electrical Engineering | ||
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) | 2 hrs | 200 |
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 500 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering:
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering | ||
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) | 2 hrs | 200 |
Paper-II ( Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 500 |
UPSC ESE Exam Pattern 2021: Mains
Civil Engineering
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category-I Civil Engineering | ||
Paper-I (Civil Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Paper-II (Civil Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Mechanical Engineering:
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category-II Mechanical Engineering | ||
Paper-I (Mechanical Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Electrical Engineering:
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category-III Electrical Engineering | ||
Paper-I (Electrical Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering:
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering | ||
Paper-I (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Paper-II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Stage-III (Personality Test) – 200 Marks
UPSC ESE Syllabus 2021:
I. Civil Engineering (for both objective and conventional type papers)
Paper I
1. Building Materials
2. Solid Mechanics
3. Structural Analysis
4. Design of Steel Structures
5. Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures
6. Construction Practice, Planning and Management
1. (a) Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel, Flow, Pipe Flow
(b) Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower
2. (a) Hydrology
(b) Water Resources Engineering
Environmental Engineering
3. (a) Water Supply Engineering
(b) Waste Water Engineering
(c) Solid Waste Management
(d) Air and Noise Pollution and Ecology
4. (a) Geo-technical Engineering
(b) Foundation Engineering
5. (a) Surveying and Geology
(b) Transportation Engineering
II. UPSC ESE Syllabus 2021: Mechanical Engineering (For both objective and conventional type papers)
Paper I
1. Fluid Mechanics
2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer
3. IC Engines, Refrigeration, and Air conditioning
4. Turbo Machinery
5. Power Plant Engineering
6. Renewable Sources of Energy
1. Engineering Mechanics
2. Mechanisms and Machines
3. Design of Machine Elements
4. Manufacturing, Industrial, and Maintenance Engineering
5. Mechatronics and Robotics
UPSC ESE Syllabus 2021: Electrical Engineering (for both objective and conventional type papers)
Paper I
1. Engineering Mathematics
2. Electrical Materials
3. Electric Circuits and Fields
4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
5. Computer Fundamentals
6. Basic Electronics Engineering
1. Analog and Digital Electronics
2. Systems and Signal Processing
3. Control Systems
4. Electrical Machines
5. Power Systems
6. Power Electronics and Drives
UPSC ESE Syllabus 2021: Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering (For both objective and conventional type papers)
Paper I
1. Basic Electronics Engineering
2. Basic Electrical Engineering
3. Materials Science
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
5. Network Theory
6. Analog and Digital Circuits
1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems
2. Control Systems
3. Computer Organization and Architecture
4. Electro Magnetics
5. Advanced Electronics Topics
6. Advanced Communication Topics