Word Swapping Questions For Bank Clerk Prelims Exam

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of English Questions for IBPS Clerk Prelims so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.


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Direction (1-4): In the following questions, a few words have been highlighted which may or may not require improvement. Interchange the highlighted words using the given alternatives in order to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If no interchange is required, choose option E as your answer.

1) Rescue workers (A)claimed flood (B)collapsed parts of Germany and Belgium for survivors on Saturday after burst rivers and flash floods this week (C)ravaged houses and (D)searched at least 157 lives.

A.Only (A)-(B)

B.Only (B)-(D)

C.Both (B)-(D) and (A)-(C)

D.Both (A)-(D) and (B)-(C)

E.No interchange is required

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday said he has (A)province his police minister and premier of KwaZulu Natal (B)dispatched to a township in Durban amid (C)escalating tensions between the Indian and Black African (D)communities there.

A.Only (B)-(D)

B.Only (A)-(B)

C.Both (A)-(D) and (B)-(C)

D.Both (B)-(D) and (A)-(C)

E.No interchange is required

In October last year, we conducted an (A)extensive survey to (B)gauge the (C)elevating of the pandemic on women from low-income households, with a view to (D)impact women’s agenda among policymakers.

A.Only (C)-(D)

B.Only (D)-(B)

C.Both (A)-(D) and (B)-(C)

D.Both (B)-(D) and (A)-(C)

E.No interchange is required

However much President Biden might have (A)overshadowed for Independence Day celebrations on July Fourth, the nationwide (B)resurgence was this year (C)called by concerns and even fears of (D)euphoria of Covid.

A.Only (A)-(D)

B.Only (C)-(B)

C.Both (B)-(D) and (A)-(C)

D.Both (A)-(D) and (B)-(C)

E.No interchange is required

Direction (5-8): In each of the questions given below, four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is, select ‘E’ as your option.

5) In the garb of (A)exceeding misinformation and (B)fracas technology companies, GoI has been (C)addressing the powers granted through subordinate legislation and using it for political purposes as is evident from the recent Twitter (D)regulating.

A.Only (B)-(C)

B.Only (A)-(D)

C.Both (A)-(C) and (B)-(D)

D.Both (B)-(A) and (C)-(D)

E.No improvement

An effective (A)infrastructure between industry and infrastructure shall be (B)endeavored by developing industrial (C)corridors having world class (D)integration such as high-speed transportation network, logistics parks, common facility centers etc.

A.Only (B)-(C)

B.Both (B)-(A) and (C)-(D)

C.Both (A)-(C) and (B)-(D)

D.Only (A)-(D)

E.No improvement

It is the government’s duty to ensure an (A)equitable coverage among (B) sheer groups of people who are most at risk, and carry a higher risk of (C)transmission, because of the (D)vulnerable number of people they interact with daily.

A.Only (B)-(D)

B.Both (A)-(C) and (B)-(D)

C.Only (A)-(D)

D.Both (B)-(A) and (C)-(D)

E.No improvement

The Guwahati High Court (GHC) Kohima Bench has asked the Nagaland government to take up (A)measures of (B)footing isolation centers, (C)ramp-up testing facilities, make all COVID-19 tests free and take vaccination on a war (D)designating.

A.Only (B)-(D)

B.Only (A)-(D)

C.Both (A)-(C) and (B)-(D)

D.Both (B)-(A) and (C)-(D)

E.No improvement

Direction (9-10):
In each of the questions given below, four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is, select ‘E’ as your option. 

9) Connecting with people who want (A) to solve the same problems (B) is a powerful way of things(C) businesses, especially when you want to do creating (D) differently.





E.No interchange required

Electric cars are traditional (A) to succeed sooner or later (B) because governments will make it impossible (C) for consumers to buy bound (D) ones.





E.No interchange required

Answers :

1) Answer: D

Searched: try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.

Ravaged: severely damaged; devastated.

Claimed: assert that one has gained or achieved (something).

Collapsed: (of a structure) having fallen down or given way.

Thus, the correct sentence is:

Rescue workers (A)searched flood (B)ravaged parts of Germany and Belgium for survivors on Saturday after burst rivers and flash floods this week (C)collapsed houses and (D)claimed at least 157 lives.

2) Answer: B

Dispatched: deal with (a task or opponent) quickly and efficiently.

Escalating: increasing rapidly.

Province: a principal administrative division of a country or empire.

Communities: a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

‘has/have’ forms are followed by the V3 form of the verb.

Thus, the correct sentence is:

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday said he has (A)dispatched his police minister and premier of KwaZulu Natal (B)province to a township in Durban amid (C)escalating tensions between the Indian and Black African (D)communities there.

3) Answer: A

Extensive: covering or affecting a large area.

Gauge: an instrument that measures and gives a visual display of the amount, level, or contents of something.

Impact: the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.

Elevating: raise or lift (something) to a higher position.

‘With a view to’ is followed by agerund (V1 + ing).

Thus, the correct sentence is:

In October last year, we conducted an (A)extensive survey to (B)gauge the (C)impact of the pandemic on women from low-income households, with a view to (D)elevating women’s agenda among policymakers.

4) Answer: C

Call for: publicly ask for or demand something.

Euphoria: a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.

Overshadowed: cast gloom over.

Resurgence: an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.

Thus, the correct sentence is:

However much President Biden might have (A)called for Independence Day celebrations on July Fourth, the nationwide (B)euphoria was this year (C)overshadowed by concerns and even fears of (D)resurgence of Covid.

5) Answer: C

Let’s learn the meanings of the highlighted words:

Exceeding: go beyond what is allowed or stipulated by (a set limit)

Fracas: a noisy disturbance or quarrel.

Addressing: think about and begin to deal with (an issue or problem).

Regulating: control (something, especially a business activity) by means of rules and regulations.

From the meanings of the words, it can be understood that both (A)-(C) and (B)-(D) should be interchanged to make the sentence meaningful.

Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

6) Answer: D

Let’s learn the meanings of the highlighted words:

Infrastructure: the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities.

Endeavored: try hard to do or achieve something.

Corridors: a long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms.

Integration: the intermixing of people who were previously segregated.

From the given meanings, it can be understood that (A) and (D) should be interchanged to make the sentence meaningful.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

7) Answer: A

Let’s learn the meanings of the highlighted words:

Equitable: fair and impartial.

Sheer: nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis).

Transmission: the action or process of spreading or passing on something such as a disease or something, or the state of being transmitted.

Vulnerable: exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

From the given meanings, it can be understood that (B) and (D) should be interchanged to make the sentence meaningful.

Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

8) Answer: A

 â€˜War footing’ is a phrase which means that whatever you wish to do, you will do it, setting aside everything else and as quickly as possible. So, B and D should be interchanged to make the sentence meaningful.

Therefore, A is the correct answer.

9) Answer: C

C-D will be interchanged in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

10) Answer: A

A-D will be interchanged in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.


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Direction (11-14): Four words in each sentence have been highlighted. They may or may not be in their correct positions. One of these four words may be incorrect in the context. Choose the option which provides the pair of words to be interchanged to make the sentence meaningful along with the appropriate word that replaces the wrong one.

The (A) loss of seagrass habitats, water pollution and (B) degradation of the coastal ecosystem due to (C) trough activities have made life (D) developmental for these slow-moving animals.

A.A-D; dearth

B.B-C; no change

C.C-D; difficult


E.No interchange needed

SEBI (A)minimum noted that a stock exchange will have to (B) scrip continue with the same for a (C) farther period of six months after opting for T+1 settlement cycle for a (D)mandatorily.

A.A-C, B-D; further

B.A-D, B-C; maximum

C.A-B, C-D; scrap

D.Only A-D; all correct

E.No interchange needed

The idea that (A) scrapping the triple lock would be in the interests of (B)intergenerational fairness rests on a false (C)presumption that if we spend more money on one (D)group of people, we must spend less on another.

A.B-D; intergovernmental

B.No interchange needed

C.A-B; presumed

D.A-D; section

E.A-C; no change

It is worth remembering that the recently and soon-to-be retired have already seen large cuts to their (A)expectation state pension income due to (B)increases in state pension age – which impact most (C)unjustly upon poorer groups with lower life (D) lifetime.

A.B-C; increase

B.B-D; no change

C.A-B; increase

D.A-D; expectancy

E.No interchange needed

Direction (15-17): In the following sentences, a few words have been highlighted that may or may not be in their correct order. Choose the correct combination to interchange the highlighted words using the given alternatives. If no improvement is required, choose option E as your answer.

15) The area (A)increased by drought has grown by 1.3 per cent per decade and the (B)frequency of multi-year (C)droughts has also (D)affected mainly over central India.

A.Only (B)-(A)

B.Only (A)-(D)

C.Only (C)-(D)

D.Both (A)-(D) and (B)-(C)

E.No Improvement

India has seen a lot of (A)fatalities in early warning systems for various disasters and better disaster (B)successful which has proven (C)preparedness in reducing total (D)improvements.

A.Only (B)-(C)

B.Only (A)-(B)

C.Only (C)-(D)

D.Both (A)-(D) and (B)-(C)

E.No Improvement

Technological (A)advancements, along with better (B)inevitable and adaptation measures are some of the important ways to prepare for the (C)mitigation incoming threats of extreme weather events and (D)disasters in the coming years.

A.Only (A)-(B)

B.Only (C)-(D)

C.Only (B)-(C)

D.Both (A)-(D) and (B)-(C)

E.No Improvement

Direction (18-20): In each of the following questions, two statements are given with three highlighted words in each. These bold words may or may not be in their correct place and need to be interchanged with the words of the other statement. You have to choose the correct pair to interchange the words and make both sentences grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. If both statements are correct and need no interchange, mark your answer as E, ‘no interchange needed’.

18)  (I)
When there is oppression (1) over a speech that asserts (2) what should have been normal, it is clear that India is going through core (3) times.

(II)By referring to the tyranny (4) of the elected and the use of law for excitement (5), the CJI’s speech went to the hard (6) of current experience.

A.1-4 and 2-6

B.2-5 and 3-4

C.1-5 and 3-6

D.2-4 and 3-5

E.No interchange required

19)  (I)
The G7 countries are imperative (1) to subject large businesses to a global (2) minimum corporate tax rate on a country-by-country average (3).

(II) It is mooting (4) to keep in mind that the basis(5) corporate tax rate in the world has gone down significantly (6) over the last few years.

A.1-4 and 2-6

B.2-5 and 3-4

C.2-6 and 4-3

D.1-4 and 3-5

E.No interchange required

20) (I)
The number of broader (1) refugees and their descendants living in entity (2) parts of Pakistan is estimated (3) to be at least two million.

(II) The original (4) constitutional and procedural contours within which elections to the PAJK assembly had been previously held demolish (5) the myth that the region is an independent different (6).

A.1-4 and 2-6

B.2-5 and 3-4

C.2-6 and 4-3

D.2-4 and 3-5

E.No interchange required

Answers :

11) Answer: C

trough is a feed box for the animals. So, ‘trough activities’ doesn’t fit anywhere. Rather, developmental activities are harming the habitats of animals and making their life difficult. So, the places of C and D need to change along with a replacement in the word trough with difficult.

The other words are correct at their respective places and don’t need any change.

So, (c) is the correct answer.

12) Answer: A

The word ‘farther’ in the given sentence is not fitting at any of the four places making it compulsory for us to change the same.

Scrip a provisional certificate of money subscribed to a bank or company

So, by making the changes given in option (a), we can have a completely meaningful sentence.

13) Answer: B

All the words are correct at their respective places and no change in any word is needed as well.

So, the correct option is (b).

14) Answer: D

There is a hint in the options itself.

We talk about life expectancy so if we replace expectation with expectancy the sentence would make some sense.

Also, A and D need to change places for giving proper meaning to the sentence and hence, option (d) is the best answer.

15) Answer: B

The sentence means that the area has been damaged by drought. So, A and D should be interchanged.

Therefore, the correct sentence is:

The area (D)affected by drought has grown by 1.3 per cent per decade and the (B)frequency of multi-year (C)droughts has also (A)increased mainly over central India.

16) Answer: D

The correct sentence after the rearrangement is:

India has seen a lot of (D)improvements in early warning systems for various disasters and better disaster (C)preparedness which has proven (B)successful in reducing total (A)fatalities.

17) Answer: C

Technological (A)advancements, along with better (C)mitigation and adaptation measures are some of the important ways to prepare for the (B)inevitable incoming threats of extreme weather events and (D)disasters in the coming years.

Mitigation: the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.

Inevitable: certain to happen; unavoidable.

18) Answer: C

Here, 1-5 and 3-6 will be interchanged to make both sentences grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. The correct sentences are:

(I) When there is excitement (1) over a speech that asserts (2) what should have been normal, it is clear that India is going through hard (3) times.

(II) By referring to the tyranny (4) of the elected and the use of law for oppression (5), the CJI’s speech went to the core (6) of current experience.

19) Answer: D

Here, 1-4 and 3-5 will be interchanged to make both sentences grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. The correct sentences are:

(I) The G7 countries are mooting (1) to subject large businesses to a global (2) minimum corporate tax rate on a country-by-country basis (3).

(II) It is imperative (4) to keep in mind that the average (5) corporate tax rate in the world has gone down significantly (6) over the last few years.

20) Answer: A

Here, 1-4 and 2-6 will be interchanged to make both sentences grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. The correct sentences are:

(I) The number of original (1) refugees and their descendants living in different (2) parts of Pakistan is estimated (3) to be at least two million.

(II) The broader (4) constitutional and procedural contours within which elections to the PAJK assembly had been previously held demolish (5) the myth that the region is an independent entity (6).


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Directions (21-23): In the sentences given below, four words have been highlighted whichmay or may not be in their proper place. Identify the correct interchange of the words in the sentence and mark that option as your answer.

21) The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is restructuring(A) the intervention (B) system for schools and making the process completely(C) digital and based on data analytics with least human affiliation (D), officials said.

a) A-C

b) B-D

c) A-B

d) Both C-D and A-B.

e) The sentence is correct

The Indian Army had ecosystem (A) 29 modernisation projects entailing(B) an expenditure of Rs 32,000 crore for the future. Along with private industry and academia, the Indian Army will endeavour(C) to contribute to a self-reliant identified(D) in the country.

a) A-B

b) Both C-D and B-A

c) A-D

d) Both B-C and A-D

e) All are correct.

Crowded wards with harrowing (A) a doctor or an attendant in sight, patients holding on to each other to go to washrooms so hurdles (B) they gagged and, most agonisingly, people around them dying. For Covid patients now back home, scarcely (C) images from their hospital stay are the filthy (D) on their road to recovery.

a) A-B

b) B-D

c) Both A-B and C-D

d) Both B-D and A-C.

e) The sentence is correct

Directions (24-25): In the sentences given below, four words have been highlighted and placed in asentence. Identify the correct sequence of the words in the sentence and mark that optionas your answer.

24) The Australian Museum in Sydney, the country’s oldest which reopened(A) its doors to the public last November, is now opportunity(B) late night entertainment, giving visitors an offering (C) to wander through new spaces and exhibitions(D) in the evenings.





e) No correction required

Following provisioning (A) pandemic-related developments, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced further measures to support(B) liquidity provision to micro, small and medium firms, and loosened(C) regulatory requirements on the deteriorating (D) for non-performing loans.





e) No correction required.

Directions (26-30): In the sentences given below, four words have been highlighted and placed in a sentence. Identify the correct sequence of the words in the sentence and mark that option as your answer.

26) With regard to the world and worldly life, we are mostly driven by survival (A) desires and natural (B) instincts to ensure our selfish (C) and success, which we measure by how much we are appreciated (D), accepted, approved or criticized.

a) A-C

b) B-D

c) A-B

d) Both C-D and A-B

e) The sentence is correct

After signing the loan agreement, C. S. Mohapatra said disturbances (A) of overhead distribution lines into underground cables would help build an energy-efficient distribution network, reduce (B) technical and commercial losses and minimize (C) electricity outage resulting from natural hazards such as cyclones and external conversion (D) to overhead lines.

a) A-B

b) Both C-D and B-A

c) A-D

d) Both B-C and A-D

e) All are correct.

The college brainstormed (A) and teachers administration (B) to recreate the laboratory applications (C) for the students on the digital platform. In some cases, software ambience D) were made available and used by the faculty.

a) A-B

b) B-D

c) Both A-B and C-D

d) Both B-D and A-C.

e) The sentence is correct

Since the pandemic (A), we have shared our learning and resources with fellow institutions and knowledge (B) in social initiatives to make educational participated (C) and resources available for other students in remote (D) parts of the country.





e) No correction required

China on Friday nominated (A) that any successor to the present Dalai Lama should be recognition (B) by it, ruling out approved (C) to any heir asserted (D) by the India-based Tibetan spiritual leader or by his followers.





e) No correction required.

Answers :

21) Answer: B

B-D,  affiliation and intervention need to be interchanged to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

22) Answer: C

A-D,  ecosystem and identified need to be interchanged to make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct.

23) Answer: D

Both B-D and A-C, ‘filthy and hurdles’, ‘harrowing and scarcely’ need to be interchanged to make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct.

24) Answer: A

 ACBD is the correct arrangement, opportunity and offering need to be interchanged to make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct.

25) Answer: C

DBCA is the correct arrangement,  provisioning and deteriorating at their current positions fail to impart valid meaning to the sentence, so it needs to be interchanged.

26) Answer: A

A-C, ‘selfish and survival’ at their current positions fail to impart valid meaning to the sentence, interchanging them will make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct.

27) Answer: C

A-D, ‘disturbances and conversion’ need to be interchanged to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

28) Answer: C

Both A-B and C-D ‘applications and ambience’ ‘administration and brainstormed’ need to be interchanged to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

29) Answer: B

ACBD is the correct arrangement, ‘knowledge and participated’ at their current positions fail to impart valid meaning to the sentence, interchanging them will make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct.

30) Answer: D

DCBA is the correct arrangement, ‘approved and recognition’ ‘asserted and nominated’ need to be interchanged to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

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