Word Usage Questions For Bank PO Prelims Exam

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Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions, one word is highlighted in bold and using that highlighted word four sentences are framed. Out of the four sentences, three will be synonyms to the highlighted word and one is an antonym to the word. You are required to find an antonym usage of the highlighted word.


a) If you want to make your shoes look new, you can always embellish them with the cream available online

b) The floor of the kitchen was spoiled after the kid accidentally dropped the plate containing the meal.

c) He made sure to adorn himself with a good dress because he is meeting his Crush for the first time.

d) Anushka brought several products from online to beautify the hall of her new home.

e) None of the above


a) He was granted bail but was not allowed to leave the town

b) The workers were forbidden from entering into the officer’s room

c) He was finally happy because he got the license for heavy driving vehicle

d) Both a and c

e) None of the above


a) I stood in anawkward manner inside the lift so that everyone could fit in.

b) His proficiency in driving the vehicle through narrow roads was appreciated by all.

c) It always required the skillful handling of the situation to avoid problems and reach a solution.

d) Hindi carpenters’ hands are so dexterous that they can build any kind of furniture.

e) None of the above


a) The people who often speak gibberish are an annoyance to other people surrounding them

b) The person who has learned from years of experience has a great deal of wisdom

c) We wasted our time talking about irrelevant drivel when the teacher was late for the class.

d) The logic behind this question can only be solved by toppers

e) Both b and d


a) I don’t have time to spend on trifling

b) It is useless to talk about the exam dates, it’s better to prepare for exams

c) The classes provided by the new teacher are so fruitful that they cleared all my pending doubts

d) His attempts to impress his crush went in vain because she finally rejected him

e) None of the above

(6-10): In each of the following questions, a word has been given in bold. The word has been used in three different sentences given below. Find the sentence/sentences in which the given word has been used correctly.


A) The happenings in many talk shows ensconce and irritate many viewers

B) The police told the judge that the witness is ensconced in the safe house.

C) Once my youngest daughter is ensconced in the bed, I get some free time to work.

a) Only b and c

b) Only a and b

c) All a, b, c,

d) Only b

e) None of the above


A) The boss was so intransigent that he didn’t let any employees have their way.

B) It is necessary to be intransigent sometimes to protect our loved ones.

C) People always find it difficult to get along with an intransigent leader.

a) Only a

b) All a, b, c

c) Only c

d) Both a and c

e) Both a and b


A) The thieves masquerade as covid officials so that they can get inside your home.

B) Her parents were masquerade despite losing first three games.

C) The politician often masquerades as decent humans in front of media.

a) Only a

b) Only b

c) Except c

d) Both a and c

e) Both a and b


A) There are no signs of protest coming to end, because both the government and protestors arerecuperating

B) My doctors advised me to spend some time alone so I could mentally recuperate.

C) His long wish of participating in Tokyo still remained a dream because he still did not recuperate from the knee-injury.

a) Only a

b) Only b

c) Except c

d) Both b and c

e) Both a and b


A) Varun Tej was accused of murdering his wife, this was considered as a venial mistake according to the judge.

B) The boys created a venial offence and so the principal tried to give them a light punishment

C) The venial mistakes of the politician are often forgotten by people in the long run.

a) Only a

b) Only b

c) Except b

d) Both a and c

e) Both c and b

Answers :

1) Answer: B

The synonymous meanings of garnish are embellish, adorn, beautify and the antonyms are spoil, disfigure, impair.

2) Answer: D

The synonymous meanings of taboo are forbidden; any social restriction and the antonyms are permit, allow, license

3) Answer: A

The synonymous meanings of adroit are proficient, dexterous, skillful and clever and the antonyms are awkward and dull.

4) Answer: E

The synonymous meanings of balderdash are drivel, gibberish and nonsense and the antonyms are wisdom, logic

5) Answer: C

the synonymous meanings of futile are useless, trifling, trivial and vain and the antonyms are effective, satisfactory and fruitful.

6) Answer: A

Ensconced (to place or settle securely) is correctly used in sentences b and c.

7) Answer: B

Intransigent (stubborn) is correctly used in all sentences a, b, and c.

8) Answer: D

masquerade (disguise/pretence) is correctly used in sentences a and c.

9) Answer: D

recuperate (become strong after illness) is correctly used in both b and c.

10) Answer: E

venial (excusable) is correctly used in sentences b and c.


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Direction (11-13): In each question a word is given followed by four sentences which is used appropriately. One sentence may or may not be inappropriate to the word. You have to find out the inappropriate sentence.

11) Wrath

A.The man earned the wrath of an entire nation when he assassinated the president.

B.The dog hid under the table rather than face his owner’s wrath.

C.Swetha’s wrath was visible in her smile and pleasant disposition

D.All the cheerleaders knew to agree with their captain or else they would incur her wrath.

E.All are correct

12) Invincible

A.He was deemed invincible and the older generation believed that he had supernatural powers.

B.Labour’s previously invincible electoral machine lost the safe seat of Brent East.

C.The Titans have looked invincible in the last two games against quality opponents.

D.The team proved it was not invincible when it lost the last game of the season.

E.All are correct

13) Absurd

A.Claiming that your cat was abducted by aliens is absurd.

B.Spending the week in jail for stealing a loaf of bread is an absurd punishment for such a minor crime.

C.It would be absurd to blame Vodafone for terrorists chatting across their network.

D.The firemen sprayed water on the burning house to absurd the structural damage.

E.All are correct

Direction (14-16): A highlighted word is given below followed by four sentences in which the word may be inappropriately used as per given word’s parts of speech (like the given word is noun -usage of that word should be noun). You have to identify the sentence in which the word is placed appropriately.

14) Accurate

A.The archer’s accuracy is spot on and he always hits his target

B.It’s still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes

C.the Huntress notched arrow after arrow and hit each target with precise accuracy

D.Everyone knows DNA testing is an extremely accurate means of confirming a person’s identity

E.None of the above

15) Tangible

A.The trial judge was only interested in evidence that was tangible and visible.

B.The tension in the air was so thick it was almost tangible

C.The recently discovered dinosaur bones are a tangible connection to our past.

D.The less tangible aspects such as trust and the quality and depth of relationships are almost impossible to measure.

E.All are correct

16) Deterrent

1A.Opponents of the death sentence insist that its existence does nothing to deter crime.

B.He believes in the deterrent effect of custodial sentences.

C.Attackers were also deterred by the fact that the police were keeping an eye on them.

D.Dogs can deter unwelcome intruders

E.None of the above

Direction (17-20): A word is given in bold followed by four sentences. Some sentences are provided with meanings of the given word. One sentence may be provided with the opposite meaning of the given word. So you have to find an odd sentence which describes the opposite meaning to the given word.

17) Tenuous

A.The Totonacs have the dubious distinction of allying themselves with Cortes against the Aztecs.

B.She felt the piercing sting of humiliation and her heart being broken and torn apart like some fragile letter.

C.The fancy Spanish architecture was both elegant and well-designed

D.A discourse for which there were few takers earlier began to sound plausible.

E.None of the above

18) Incite

A.The surgeon used a mild sedative to tranquilize the anxious patient prior to surgery.

B.The pictures of the victim’s body are sure to provoke feelings of anger within the jury.

C.The road construction will definitely instigate major traffic delays during rush hour.

D.The media tried to ferment public unrest by repeatedly publishing articles about the crooked police officer.

E.None of the above

19) Repugnant

A.The repellent odor was strong enough to keep the children out of the bathroom

B.The obscene dancing was not appropriate for a church function.

C.The man was asked to leave the restaurant because of his obnoxious behavior.

D.The politician worked hard to make innocuous speeches that would not offend anyone.

E.All of the above

20) Sanguine

A.Jenny is optimistic and hopes for the best even when things look bleak

B.Jim was buoyant after he received a job offer during his first interview.

C.The handshake between the two men was their implicit agreement to the terms of the contract.

D.The dog groomer assured the dog’s owner that she would be satisfied with the pet’s haircut.

E.All of the above

Answers :

11) Answer: C

Wrath – great anger

The sentence C explains that Swetha’s anger was visible in her smile and pleasant disposition which is placed inappropriate because one’s anger cannot be seen through smile.

Hence option C is answer.

12) Answer: E

Invincible – incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued

Here all sentences denote the meaning of Invincible.

Hence option E is answer.

13) Answer: D

Absurd – not at all logical or sensible; ridiculous

Here the sentence D implies that fireman sprayed water on burning house to ridicule the structural damage which is used inappropriately.

Hence option D is answer.

14) Answer: D

Accurate (adjective) – exact and correct without mistakes

Here only option D is in adjective form whereas other options do not belong to the form which is adjective.

Hence option D is answer.

15) Answer: E

Tangible (adjective) â€“ actual, definite, real

Here all the options are in adjective form

Hence option E is answer.

16) Answer: B

Deterrent (noun) – something that should stop you doing something

Here only the sentence B is in noun form whereas other sentences are not in given form which is noun.

Hence option B is answer.

17) Answer: D

Tenuous – having little substance or strength, weak

The synonym of Tenuous is dubious, fragile, elegant and the antonym is plausible.

Hence option D is the answer.

18) Answer: A

Incite â€“ to encourage something, to spur on, to urge on

The synonym of Incite is provoke, instigate, ferment and the antonym is Tranquilize.

Hence option A is the answer.

19) Answer: D

Repugnant – making you feel disgust, incompatible, inconsistent

The synonym of repugnant is repellent, obscene, obnoxious and the antonym of the word is innocuous.

Hence option D is the answer.

20) Answer: E

Sanguine â€“ optimistic or positive

Here all words denotes the same meaning of Sanguine

Hence option E is the answer.

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